४ आश्विन, २०८०
शीतलपाटीन्युज डटकम।
अल्डरसट,लण्डन।स्वस्थ्य र संतुलित खाना स्वस्थ्य जीवनको महत्वपुर्ण कडी हो।हामी खाना भन्ने बित्तिकै बिहानमा ब्रेकफास्ट,दिउसो लन्च र बेलुका डिनरका रुममा लिन्छौ।
यहा चर्चा Station Cafe Aldershot को पहिचान गर्न खोजीएको हो। The Palace Restaurent अल्डरसटले ग्रेट ब्रिटेन डिसले प्रख्यात ब्रिटीस ब्रेकफास्टको एउटा शाखा स्टेशन केफ संचालनमा ल्याएको कुरा The Palace का प्रोप्राइटर एवम डाइरेक्टर रिसीराम रानाले शीतलपाटीन्युजका प्रमुख सम्पादक बाचस्पति रेग्मीसंगको कुराकानीमा बताउनु भयको छ।
अल्डरसटको ट्रेन स्टेसन नजिकै स्टेसन रोडमा रहेको सो “स्टेसन केफ” मा संतुलित स्वस्थ्य खाना ब्रिटीस ब्रेकफास्ट पाइन्छ। यो ग्रेट ब्रिटेनको ब्रेकफास्ट डिसमा बेकन,अण्डा,गोलभेडा,मसरुम,फ्राइड पाउरोटी,ससेज रोल,बेक्ड बिन,बटर टोस्ट,फ्राई टमाटो, चिया वा कफि र जुसले परम्परागत रुपमा सजाएर ग्राहक अथवा पाहुनाहरुला दिने गरिन्छ। यो ब्रेकफास्टमा तयार गरिएको खाना बेलायतमा आज पनि स्थायी रुपमा Stable Ingredents भनेर चिनिन्छ।
यो ताजा खाना बेलायतमा १३ औ शताब्दीमा गाउगाउमा खाने गरेको इतिहास पाईएको छ। बारीबाटै चुलोमा (Farm to Kitchen) भनेर खाइने यो स्वादिष्ट अर्गानिक खाना अहिले All Day Breakfast खाना भनेर प्रख्यात रहेको डाइरेक्टर राना बताउनु भयको छ। पाहुना आउदा केफमा गयर खान सकिने वा घर मै बनाएर पनि खान सकिने यो खानालाई Great Britain Dish भन्ने पनि गरिएको छ।
The Palace Restaurent मा बिबाह,जन्मदिन र सभा समारोहमा नेपाली खाना पस्कदै गर्दा ब्रिटीस ब्रेकफास्ट पनि चलाउन पाउदा खुसी लागेको कुरा डाइरेक्टर रानाले बताउनु भयको छ। यो Station Cafe चलाउदा पाएको सफलता हेर्दा भबिष्यमा अन्य ठाउमा बिस्तार गर्न इच्छा जागेको पनि डाइरेक्टर रानाले बताउनु भयको छ।
Eat In र Delevery सेवा समेत ब्यवस्था भयको सो Station Cafe घर मै बसेर अर्डर गरी ब्रिटीस ब्रेकफास्ट (All Day Breakfast) खान ०१२५२३२३४०४, 01252-323404 मा अर्डर गर्न सकिने जनाइएको छ।सस्तो,संतुलित र स्वस्थ्य खाना बिहान देखि बेलुकासम्म सेवा दिन Station Cafe खुला जानकारी प्राप्त भयको छ।
अंग्रेजीमा पनि-
Believed to date back to the 13th Century, this hearty breakfast was first served in the country homes of the English gentry. Well known for their breakfast feasts,the full English breakfast was seen as an indulgence and an opportunity to flaunt their wealth to visiting friends,relatives and neighbours.
This fried breakfast became increasingly popular throughout the Victorian era and was quickly adopted by aspiring and wealthy Victorians.The full English breakfast became an important social event and was turned into an elegant and refined affair for people to partake in the old Anglo-Saxon tradition of hospitality.
By the Edwardian era,the full English began to be eaten by the middle classes and was becoming more of a family meal as well as a substantial start to the day for many workers.Fast forward to the 1950s and a large portion of the British population was starting their day with the a full English breakfast.
A breakfast that was once reserved for the gentry became a staple breakfast for the working class.Now a days,it is so popular in Britain and Ireland that many cafes and pubs offer the meal at any time of day as an "all-day breakfast". While there are many variations on this fried breakfast across the UK and Ireland, there are some stable ingredients that make up this Great British dish.
A full English breakfast typically includes bacon,fried,poached or scrambled eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes,fried mushrooms, fried bread or buttered toast and sausages.Black pudding, baked beans, and bubble and squeak are also often included.The food is traditionally served with tea or coffee,as well as fruit juices.
One variation is the traditional Cornish breakfast which includes hog's pudding and Cornish potato cakes as well as fried potatoes. The traditional Welsh breakfast reflects the coastal aspect of Welsh cuisine with the inclusion of cockles and laverbread while the Scottish breakfast includes Scottish style black pudding, Lorne sausage, Ayrshire middle bacon and tattie scones.
If you want to enjoy a truly British breakfast then look no further than our fantastic Best of British Breakfast Meat Box.Packed full of delicious meat, fantastic accompaniments and everything in between,this is the perfect way to get ready for the day ahead.All of the cuts in our meat hampers are from our farm, freshly prepared by our in-house butchers
This meat box includes everything you need to recreate a delicious traditional full English breakfast at home.Here are some of the delicious dishes our customers have shared, made with our produce: